Tipps für Touristen in Aserbaidschan

Tips for tourists in Azerbaijan

Welcome to Azerbaijan, a country at the crossroads of oriental exoticism and modern harmony! A journey through this amazing country promises to be exciting, full of cultural discoveries and natural wonders. To make your trip as enjoyable and memorable as possible, we recommend that you take note of some useful tips for tourists in Azerbaijan.
In general, the city is quite safe for tourists. However, there is a certain risk of pickpocketing in crowded places or nightclubs. There is also a risk of encountering scammers in bars and clubs who mix sleeping pills into drinks. Be vigilant when out and about at night.
Perhaps the biggest danger is car traffic in the city. Locals often drive at high speeds without obeying the rules. Pedestrians should be particularly careful on roads and crossings. Pay attention to the behavior of Azerbaijanis.
In general, Azerbaijan is considered a very safe country. Thanks to the strict authorities, crimes against tourists are extremely rare. The government makes every effort to develop the tourism sector and create comfortable conditions for travelers. Therefore, most visitors feel completely safe.

Detailed tips for safe and comfortable travel in Azerbaijan:

  1. Border crossing and registration

When entering the country, make sure you have your passport and a copy of it with you. The border officials may ask you to hand over your passport for the duration of the check. Copies will help you to avoid problems.

As soon as you are in Azerbaijan, register with the migration authorities. You must state the place and duration of your stay. By registering, you will avoid questions from the police.

  1. Conflict areas

Never cross the borders of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and neighboring areas currently controlled by the Armenian armed forces. This area is considered occupied by Azerbaijan.

Also, do not visit Armenia itself, as relations between the two countries are tense. Any markings at the Armenian border crossing can lead to problems and mistrust.

  1. Precautionary measures in the cities

The biggest security risks are related to street crime and fraud. To minimize them:

  • Avoid walking in deserted areas, parks and abandoned buildings after dark.
  • Keep valuables and documents in the inside pockets of your clothes and avoid showing devices in public.
  • Beware of pickpockets on public transport, in markets and in crowds.
  • If you order a cab, negotiate the price in advance and be vigilant to avoid being cheated.
  1. Respect culture and traditions

To avoid embarrassing situations, you should observe the rules of conduct:

  • When entering a mosque, women should wear a headscarf and men should wear long pants. Shoulders and knees should be covered.
  • Never refuse tea when it is offered to you. It is an important element of hospitality.
  • Avoid political discussions about the authorities, Nagorno-Karabakh and relations between the countries. This can be dangerous.

If you follow these recommendations, your trip to Azerbaijan will be as pleasant and safe as possible. I wish you a safe journey!