Legalization Kazakhstan

Legalization in Kazakhstan is relatively easy thanks to the Apostille of the Hague Convention. Nevertheless, there are quite a few people who feel overwhelmed by the various certifications and translations. This is where can help you directly. Thanks to our affordable service, you can place all legalization requests in our capable hands. We will then take care of all documents, certificates or powers of attorney that you wish to Since we work with various sworn translators and know exactly which authority is responsible for which pre-certifications, we are the ideal partner for your legalization in Kazakhstan.

Documents for legalization

Notarization request

Identification document.

Original documents

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Kazakhstan Embassy

Contact for travel to Kazakhstan

Do you have questions about entry or customs regulations for Kazakhstan? In this case, the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Germany is your point of contact. The embassy and consulate general will help you with specific questions about visa matters. You can find the most important contact addresses for Kazakhstan here.

FAQ Kazakhstan

Frequently asked questions

We have summarized the most common questions from our customers regarding visa applications, processing times and the required documents, such as passports or invitations, in our current FAQ for a Kazakhstan visa. Of course, we provide the answers immediately.

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